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The Trauma Service Westmead Hospital

T 8890 9637
E enquiries@bstreetsmart.org

P.O. Box 533
Westmead NSW
Australia 2145


For the last nineteen years, Westmead Hospital has held bstreetsmart (previously the Youth and Road Trauma Forum.) This injury prevention program is open to students in years 10 to 12 in all government and non-government high schools in NSW and the ACT. The Forum is held at the Qudos Bank Arena (previously Allphones Arena), Olympic Boulevard, Sydney Olympic Park. More than 247,000 students from 435 schools have attended over the 19 years. Evaluations of both students and teachers have received the event very positively with many schools attending consecutive years. There is also significant interest and support from the media.

The forum provides students who are most at risk; a realistic look at the trauma caused by road crashes and provides them with information and strategies in an attempt to reduce serious injuries and deaths. The forum’s contents and structure aim to treat young people as adults allowing them freedom to choose from a range of interactive exhibits.

The day will include an exciting combination of demonstrations, crash dynamics and rescue, vehicle stopping distances and active exhibits. The forum will include displays relating to youth trauma and safety.

The aim is to help young people make decisions that reduce their risk of being in a crash.

Please complete the survey after the event to assist us in planning for 2025.

Student Numbers

As you can see, we have a large number of students attending the forum and so we need many volunteers. This is a huge event so please help us to make this forum a safe and beneficial day for our youth. You can assist for one day or every day. You will need to nominate which days you are available to work.

Volunteer tasks: (These will be allocated before the event)

Food and drink will be provided to the volunteers. This will be available in the Q Bar on the Main Concourse (Level 2).

All personnel will given a high visibility vest and their name will be marked off on arrival. You can sign-in and pick up your vest outside the main doors to the grand foyer at the “external cloak room”.

Parking is available in Car Park P1 at no cost to yourself. You must take your ticket and hand it in to the external cloak room when you sign-in. The subsidised ticket will then be handed back to you at the same place.

Counselors will be available to any student who is distressed by the scenario and volunteers will be provided with information and access to the counsellors.

Volunteers will be given a copy of the program, maps to the site, plus floor plan of the interactive displays.

For Nursing staff who are volunteering or manning an interactive display at bstreetsmart – the event equates to 4 CPD hours per day, as per The Australian College of Nursing.

Thank you once again for your commitment to bstreetsmart and we look forward to a very successful event.

Apply to be a Volunteer

If you wish to apply to be a Volunteer on the day of the event, please email us providing us with the following information:

(Volunteers are not required to complete the Qudos Bank General Safety induction online.)


Chapin Ayres
bstreetsmart Event Coordinator
Ph 8890 7458 | E enquiries@bstreetsmart.org

More information

On line safety briefing

Please take the time to complete the online safety briefing from Qudos Bank Arena. These safety rules have been issued to ensure your protection and alert you against the taking of unnecessary risks. It is your responsibility to ensure the SAFETY RULES are read and understood.

A  copy of completion is required from all staff volunteering or working at bstreetsmart. You may be asked to show this at the event. A good idea is to take a photo of it on your phone so you have it at all times.

Online Safety briefing