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Interactive Displays

Showcase of Displays

The Trauma Service Westmead Hospital

T 8890 9637
E enquiries@bstreetsmart.org

P.O. Box 533
Westmead NSW
Australia 2145

Academy of Road Safety

The Australian Academy of Road Safety will be promoting road safety videos and the new digital log book app for the young drivers including new safety features. There will Drug & Alcohol Activity plus live demonstration of mobile phone distraction and beer goggles.

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Synapse logo


On our display we will have information about Brain Injury that is relevant to Students and Teachers, we will have “Brian the Brain” which will demonstrate parts and functions of the brain, brain shaped lollies and we will have vision impaired glasses and juggling balls for students to experience what life is like for someone who has experience vision impairment as a result of brain injury. Chat to our speakers you have seen in the morning program.

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Western Sydney Local Health District logo

Drug Health WSLHD

There will be interactive games with students using sporting equipment and beer goggles to show how alcohol and drugs affects our concentration and motor skills.

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State Emergency Service

The NSW State Emergency Service is a volunteer based organisation that assists the community in times of natural disasters such as Storms, Floods and Tsunami’s. The NSW State Emergency Service Display will showcase messages about the dangers of driving through flood waters. The display will incorporate a flood rescue scenario with a casualty trapped in a vehicle. We will also demonstrate using a simulated model “what lies beneath the surface of the flood water”. Volunteers from SES will be on hand to answer any questions relating to the dangers associated with flooding and entering flood water as well as a road crash rescue demonstration.

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Centre for Road Safety, Transport for NSW

The Centre for Road Safety, Transport for NSW will have number of exciting displays related to road safety including:

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NSW Ambulance Service logo

NSW Ambulance Service

Staff from the NSW Ambulance Service of are on hand to answer any questions you may have about the Ambulance Service and can provide you with information on how to call for assistance in a medical emergency and the type of information you will need to provide to Triple Zero (000) ambulance call takers.

How to become a paramedic is a popular question from students. Take a tour of an ambulance and practice your CPR.

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Think Twice logo

Brain Injury Awareness

At the Brain Injury Awareness stand students can speak with people who have experienced brain injury and live with the consequences every day of their lives. Staff from the Westmead Brain Injury Unit and the Brain Injury Association of NSW are available to answer questions.

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Westmead Hospital’s Emergency Department and Intensive Care

Students are given the opportunity to try some of the interventions that need to be performed to safely care for a trauma patient. These include moving a patient with a suspected spinal cord injury, protecting the airway, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation. Blood pumps, fitting of a cervical collar, splinting limbs & initial first aid treatments are also demonstrated.

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Fire & Rescue NSW

Fire & Rescue NSW are on hand to answer questions and display some of the equipment needed to carry out fire fighting and rescue.

This year a mock-up display of a crash involving a severely injured driver, pedestrian & an electrical hazard will give students some new insights.

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NSW Police Force logo

NSW Police Force

The Police cars & equipment are very popular displays. There is a LIDAR set up for students to view. We also have a Breathalyzer kit that can be used.

The beer goggles are used as an interactive display where games are played with people wearing the goggles and trying to walk a straight line. This gives a more realistic view of what happens after consuming alcohol.

The Police will be bring their drug bus for students to take a look.

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donate life logo

Organ and Tissue Donation

SWAHS Organ & Tissue Donation Team & volunteers from DonateLife NSW interact with students to share information about organ and tissue donation. There is an information quiz with the chance of winning a prize. Teacher’s packs are also available for distribution containing fact sheets & contact details.

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St John Ambulance Australia

The St John stand demonstrates the value of first aid in the critical minutes before professional help arrives. As students pass by, our narrator invites them to join in the CPR challenge.

Our message “Learning to Drive – Learn first aid” positively impacts our teenage audience.

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LTrent Driving School

The LTrent Driving  School will be giving away driving school lessons and services consultation.

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The Australian Financial Security Authority

The Australian Financial Security Authority will help to raise awareness of the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) so you can find out hiding secrets on the car you are going to buy. There will be video/animations and giveaways.

AFSA’s PPSR Plug N Play ‘Buying a used Car? Check the PPSR’ video. The video details the importance of doing a $2 PPSR Search prior to buying a used car.

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At the NRMA stand students will put their knowledge of the road rules, legislation, and safety strategies to the test with an interactive and competitive online game. The NRMA team will host rolling rounds with a digital leaderboard display to maximise student engagement. Teachers will also have the opportunity to register for our free online young driver road safety program to deliver to their students once they return to school. Students will also be able to sign up for NRMA Free2Go which provides free roadside assistance to young drivers aged 16 -20 for up to two years.

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