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About The Event

Promoting safe behaviour as drivers, riders and passengers

The Trauma Service Westmead Hospital

T 8890 9637
E enquiries@bstreetsmart.org

P.O. Box 533
Westmead NSW
Australia 2145


bstreetsmart NSW Event

bstreetsmart is the inspiring initiative of the Trauma Service at Westmead Hospital. Westmead’s Trauma Service is constantly reminded through their hands on work that young people aged between 15–30 are disproportionally represented in road trauma. As a result, they have a strong commitment to Road Safety Education.

The purpose of bstreetsmart is to reduce the fatality and injury rates of young people by promoting safe behaviour as drivers, riders and passengers.

Attendance at the bstreetsmart event grows every year which means more students and teachers are experiencing and learning about the impact of dangerous/distracted driving and the consequences for those directly and indirectly involved in a crash.

Going into its 20th year, the bstreetsmart forum is Australia’s largest educational event on road safety with over 247,000 year 10, 11 and 12 students having participated.

bstreetsmart provides students with firsthand experiences and:

This successful initiative receives support from the NSW government and our generous partners to ensure bstreetsmart can continue to be offered to all schools, as they recognise the important role it plays in the community.

Information for Coaches

Coach parking and drop off is located in Coach Pod C, entry is a left turn off Edwin Flack Ave (acess Edwin Flack Ave from from Birnie Ave direction), there is no right turn into Pod C, see map below. All coaches/buses are to unload students in Coach Pod C. Please allow enough time to disembark your students prior to the start of the event by 9.45am. Students will then be directed from the Coach Pod C area into Qudos Bank Arena via a simple safe under cover passageway.  There are 75 coach spaces available in Coach Pod C to ensure that coaches/buses will be able to remain parked there for the entire duration of the event.

At the end of bstreetsmart at 1.30 pm, students will be directed down to Coach Pod C to embark their designated coach for their return journey.

Please note that coaches will not be able to drop students on Olympic Boulevard, as it will be closed for the duration of the event.

Please indicate that your school is coming via coach when you login to your school’s bstreetsmart account. Please provide the above directions to your driver or coach hire company.