Sponsor & Interactive Displays
About Our Sponsors
The Trauma Service Westmead Hospital
T 8890 9637
E enquiries@bstreetsmart.org
P.O. Box 533
Westmead NSW
Australia 2145
Sponsorship Funding by NSW Government, Transport for NSW
Road safety education for secondary schools
Transport for NSW and through Partnership with Western Sydney Local Health District is committed to road safety education which is a key health issue. Road-related trauma is one of the leading causes of accidental death and injury for children and young people in NSW.
Transport for NSW Road Safety Education “On the move” website is a quality teaching and learning program which empowers children and young people with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be safe road users. Effective road safety education programs are taught in each stage of learning (K-10) as part of Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) syllabuses and Stage 6 Life Ready. Driver education programs are to be taught as part of the PDHPE 7-10 syllabus and Stage 6 Life Ready or pastoral care programs across the whole school approach.
Transport for NSW
The Road Safety Education Program is the NSW Government’s leading model of support for educating children and young people about road safety. Our Road Safety Education Program provides curriculum focused classroom resources and professional development to teachers and childhood educators throughout NSW. We partner with the NSW early childhood and school education sectors to ensure that developmentally appropriate road safety education is included as part of teachers’ programs.
Westmead Hospital Foundation
The Westmead Hospital Foundation is an Australian not-for-profit organisation which awards grants, provides fundraising support, and community advocacy for health care and medical research at Westmead in the western suburbs of Sydney.
Interactive Display Holders
NSW State Emergency Service
The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) is an emergency and rescue service dedicated to assisting the community. It is made up almost entirely of volunteers, with 228 units located throughout New South Wales. The units comprise of approximately 10,000 volunteer members, who are easily identified by their distinctive orange overalls.
While our major responsibilities are for flood and storm operations, the SES also provides the majority of general rescue effort in the rural parts of the state. This includes road accident rescue, vertical rescue, bush search and rescue, evidence searches (both metropolitan and rural) and other forms of specialist rescue that may be required due to local threats. Volunteers in a number of isolated communities have been trained as Community First Responders by the Ambulance Service of New South Wales. The Service’s trained rescuers also support the full-time emergency services during major disasters.
The SES also assists other emergency services when they are performing major operations. These services include the NSW Police Force, the NSW Rural Fire Service , the Fire and Rescue NSW and the Ambulance Service of NSW.
LTrent Driving School
LTrent is Australia’s premier driving school and prides itself on being able to successfully provide young drivers with the skills and knowledge to become safe drivers. LTrent was established in 1970 and now has over 100 driver trainers across Sydney and the Illawarra. Trent’s involvement in road safety spans from practical driving lessons to high school classroom presentations. LTrent sees that it is their responsibility to ensure that all students are taught to drive correctly and safely so that they are equipped to survive on the roads.
Fire & Rescue NSW
Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is one of the world’s largest urban fire and rescue services, that manage fire emergencies in NSW’s major cities and towns. FRNSW respond to rescues, hazardous materials incidents and possible terrorism activities across the State. FRNSW work with other government agencies to minimise the impact of bushfires, storms, floods, landslides, building collapses, motor vehicle accidents and other emergencies. In 2010 Fire and Rescue NSW attended over ten thousand motor vehicle rescues across NSW.
FRNSW also run prevention and preparedness programs such as the RescuED road safety program which is aimed at reducing the number of young people injured and killed on NSW roads.
FRNSW has been presenting RescuED to NSW High School students since 2006.Since then the program has been presented on 838 occasions to over sixty two thousand students in NSW Secondary Schools.
FRNSW have supported the bstreetsmart ‘Youth and Road Trauma Forum’ since it’s inception in 2006. The forum is a logical extension of RescuED where we reach an estimated 3500 students per day over three (3) days.
Westmead Hospital Emergency Department
Westmead Hospital is a tertiary referral hospital in western Sydney and is part of the largest hospital complex in the southern hemisphere. With over 800 beds, it is a level 1 trauma centre and provides expertise in all fields of medical care, serving a population of over 1.5 million people. Westmead is also a major teaching hospital of the University of Sydney.
Westmead’s Emergency Department is one of the busiest in Australia with a diverse casemix and high acuity patient load. The ED sees over 58,000 adult patients annually and is supported by specialist services including 24/7 interventional cardiology, trauma, neurosurgery, cardiothoracic surgery and toxicology.
At Westmead Emergency, we strive to provide our patients with timely and effective emergency care, in a compassionate and ethical manner. Our goal is to maintain standards in clinical excellence and a safe environment for patients, friends & relatives and staff. We are dedicated to education and research in emergency medicine and advancement of our critical care specialty.
At Westmead Emergency, it is our job to look after our patients. The role of our Emergency Department is to assess and diagnose sick and injured adults. We are an entry portal into the hospital where the most critically ill patients in Western Sydney are managed by a world-reputed team of health care professionals.
When you arrive at Westmead Emergency, you will be looked after by a team of doctors, nurses and support staff working around the clock and striving to deliver a world class emergency health service.
Westmead Hospital Brain Injury Unit Think Twice program
The Westmead BIRS THiNK TWiCE community education team was established in 2000 as an initiative of the Brain Injury Outreach Team. The programme provides community education sessions about the causes and results of traumatic brain injury, featuring a team of guest speakers who have themselves sustained a traumatic brain injury.
Young people in our community are at the greatest risk of sustaining a traumatic brain injury, especially on the road and community interest in injury prevention programmes targeting young drivers has never been higher. However participating in THiNK TWiCE is also a positive & meaningful activity for young people who have sustained a brain injury. It provides real life opportunities for them to develop & practice skills in a functional context and is therefore an effective component of community rehabilitation for some individuals.
The THiNK TWiCE community education team is very proud of our team of volunteer speakers and the standard of their presentations. The commitment of time and enthusiasm from our speakers is inspiring!
We appreciate the support received from our donors and management in allowing us to continue the work of community education whilst providing our speakers with a valued and valuable role in society.
Ambulance NSW
The NSW Ambulance is an integral and dynamic part of the New South Wales health system and the third largest ambulance service in the world. We are committed to providing high quality clinical care and health related transport services to the people of NSW. On average our paramedics respond to a call for help every 27 seconds.
‘Check us out on facebook, YouTube or follow us on Twitter’.
St John Ambulance Australia (NSW)
First aid is what you do in the critical moments before professional help arrives. It empowers you with the skills, knowledge and confidence to make a difference in an emergency and give a fighting chance to a seriously injured person.
St John Ambulance Australia (NSW) is a self-funded, charitable organisation committed to first aid. Whether it is training people in first aid or delivering first aid services at community and sporting events, we are passionate about saving lives. In Australia for more than 125 years, the St John of today is a modern organization where the practice of first aid by our 3,500 volunteers in NSW alone make our courses and kits the most tested in the market.
Learning to drive? Learn first aid.
1800 ST JOHN
Wheelchair Sports NSW Roadshow
The Wheelchair Sports NSW Roadshow program is innovative, thought provoking and interactive. Our presenters give school students a powerful talk on the consequences of taking risks by using personal stories, followed by a game of wheelchair basketball. It also gives students an understanding of disability sport and the “abilities” of people with a disability.
icare provides insurance and care services to the businesses, people and communities of NSW. Whether a person is severely injured in the workplace or on our roads, icare supports their long-term care needs to improve quality of life, including helping people return to work.
In addition, we insure builders and homeowners and protect NSW Government assets, including the Sydney Opera House, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, schools and hospitals.
Donate Life
DonateLife NSW is excited to be part of the BStreetSmart Youth Road Trauma Forum. We’re here to promote safe driving and encourage you to talk to your family about organ and tissue donation. It is important to know and share your wishes with your loved ones.
Organ and tissue donation can save lives, and we’re grateful to the donors and their families who make this possible.
At 16, you can register to be an organ donor. It only takes one minute at donatelife.gov.au or three taps on the Express Plus Medicare app. Remember to tell your family – it could save someone’s life.
Visit us at BStreetSmart to learn more and see how you can make a difference!
NSW Police Force
Crime Prevention Officers
Crime Prevention Officers assist local area commanders to develop and implement operational programs and work with other police liaison officers. Some of the other officers who CPOs work closely with are youth liaison officers and school liaison officers.
We also liaise with local schools and councils.
Inform the public about personal safety and property security. Promote awareness and understanding of community safety and crime prevention issues within the community.
We also support victims of crime by conducting security and safety assessments and suggest treatments to reduce repeat victimisation.
Highway Patrol
The role of the NSW Police Highway Patrol is to target and reduce road trauma, allow the free movement of traffic and people and focus on road safety initiatives. The Highway Patrol encourage safer road user behaviour and compliance with traffic laws through high visibility policing utilising both marked and unmarked police vehicles as well as other specialist equipment. The specialist equipment used by the Highway Patrol includes:
- Mobile Radar Units
- Lidar Laser Units
- Handheld Breath Testing Devices
- Purpose built Breath Testing Trucks
- Purpose built Drug Testing Buses
- In Car Video Systems
The Highway Patrol work in close conjunction with Road and Maritime Services, Motor Accidents Authority, Local Councils, Road Safety Councils and various other Government Organisations to promote safer road behaviour.
Crash Investigation Unit
Trauma Service Westmead Hospital
Westmead Trauma Centre is one of Australia’s largest and busiest Trauma Centres with over 3100 admissions per year. It has a well-established Trauma Registry with over 59,500 patients and a well organised system of trauma care.
Westmead Hospital has for over 25 years clearly proven its commitment to improving and advancing trauma care, both for the people of Western Sydney and farther afield by providing ongoing education with lectures, tutorials, conferences and support as a center for advice, referrals and transfers.
It provides all facets of trauma care encompassing the prehospital phase and triage, acute hospital care and specialised rehabilitation. It is now becoming a leader in Public and Community Education, promoting awareness of Trauma Management and Injury Prevention.
“We strive to reconnect the lives of those most at risk within our community, those affected by a Brain Disorder”.
Nation-wide Synapse seeks to focus both government and public support to realise funding for the development of highly specialist services in the areas of accommodation, education, training and other individualised support programs for people affected by Brain Disorder (such as Brain Injury, Stroke or other diseases/genetic disorders of the brain).
To ensure this happens, we have developed the necessary services and resources to support those seeking assistance to achieve their goals.
Our objective is to see specialist and individualised services made available to all in need; no matter where they live, or the culture they belong to.
Synapse does this by providing a range of different programs and services including;
- Information & Referral
- Specialist Disability Accommodation Services
- Individual & Systemic Advocacy
- Support Services Coordination
- Education & Training
- Reconnections Program (social connections/peer-to-peer networks)
- Support to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
- Brokerage
- Research
- Publications
Ready to connect with Synapse?
P 1800 673 074
F +61 2 9868 5619
E info@synapse.org.au
Driving is the riskiest activities the general population participate in on a daily basis. Combine this risk with the consequences if something were to go wrong and driving is one of the most important safety concerns that needs to be managed. The fact is majority of drivers receive no further training beyond the driving test and will never drive how they did in the driving test again. With the most advanced part of the driving test being a reverse park, drivers are missing out on the more important skills needed to remain safe on the road. At Academy of Road Safety, it is our mission to fill this gap and provide drivers, of all ages and experience levels, with the vital skills, knowledge and experience to keep themselves and their loved ones safe on the road.
Our training will provide a great benefit to any driver, whether you are a learner driver who has never got behind the wheel or have been driving for 50 years. Through classroom based training we educate drivers on the key factors in road accidents, low risk driving strategies and a range of other topics which arms drivers with the knowledge to lower their chance of being involved in an accident in the first place. We also provide practical training within a controlled environment to ensure drivers have the best chance if faced by an emergency behind the wheel by learning how to utilise vehicle safety systems, perform an emergency stop and remain in control of their vehicle.
Academy of Road Safety delivers pioneering road safety training and is the industry experts. We can help you become a safer driver today within a relaxed, friendly and enjoyable atmosphere. The first step to becoming a safer driver is with our defensive driving course.
The Drug Health network provides care in the management of alcohol and drug problems for individuals, families and community organisations in WSLHD.
Our priorities are to provide equitable services to all members of the community including marginalised groups, and provide access to all levels of service from population-based strategies designed to prevent substance abuse in the first instance, to outpatient individual and group programs, and inpatient detoxification services to help those with severe dependence issues.
Our Services
The Drug and Alcohol network provides a range of services including:
•inpatients and outpatient detoxification treatment
•opioid treatment services
•abstinence maintenance services
•hepatitis C screening and treatment
•cannabis clinic
•alcohol clinic
•specialist psychology services
•community counselling
•Magistrates Early Referral Into Treatment (MERIT) Program
•Adult Drug Court
•adolescent services
•pharmacy liaison
•drug use in pregnancy services
•child and family health services and population health services.
The network also supports the Children’s Hospital Westmead to care for children of clients attending services within the District.
Before you buy a second-hand motor vehicle you should check that there are no existing security interests on it by searching the PPSR. If a security interest has been registered against the vehicle, it may not be debt-free and may be repossessed, even after you have bought it.
Make sure you search the PPSR on the day, or the day before, you intend to make your purchase, to ensure it is:
•free from debt
•safe from repossession
•not reported written off
•not reported stolen.
AFSA’s PPSR Plug N Play ‘Buying a used Car? Check the PPSR’ video. The video details the importance of doing a $2 PPSR Search prior to buying a used car.
Don’t #uck with a truck- many young drivers, who are either learning to drive or are provisional (P) licence holders aren’t always taught how to drive safely around trucks. Don’t #uck with a truck was created by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) to improve young drivers’ awareness and education of how to drive safely around truck.