Venue Risk Assessment
The Trauma Service Westmead Hospital
T 8890 9637
P.O. Box 533
Westmead NSW
Australia 2145
Please click on the link to view Qudos Bank Arena Covid Safety Information.
Please download the bstreetsmart event Risk assessment 2024 the Matrix and Rating. Please be advised that this is a live document and may be subject to alteration and/or addition.
The following information is provided by Qudos Bank Arena and has been incorporated in the risk assessment for bstreetsmart.
This information will assist DET and Private Schools to prepare their required Risk Assessment for programmed visits of students to events at the Qudos Bank Arena.
The venue is protected by a very sophisticated, robust and approved fire engineered designed emergency control system, fully complying with all Annual Essential Services functions and procedures.
As part of these functions, the venue has an Emergency Warden Inter‐Communications System [EWIS] that allows either specific Zones or the whole venue to be controlled in an emergency situation.
There is an Emergency Management Plan specifically designed to account for a variety of emergency instances, whether it be control, containment or evacuation of the venue. There is a nominated trained Chief Warden on duty every time the venue is occupied.
The evacuation Assembly Areas for the venue is directly outside the Northern Foyer near Light Towers 19.
There is a fully equipped First Aid Room on Main Concourse Level near Door 4. This will be occupied by trained St John’s Ambulance personnel on major events. During functions and small events, the medical is handled by Security Control.
The venue is covered in most public areas by CCTV on full record and the exterior is protected by passive infra‐red alarms.
There are four large sets of male & female toilets along with a wheel chair accessed toilet, on each public level.
The venue is mobility impaired friendly, with direct wheel chair access through both entry Foyers.
There is public and private bus and coach parking outside the venue on Olympic Boulevard as well as overflow coach parking on Old Hill Rd in Pod ‘C’ through arrangements either with the venue or directly with Sydney Olympic Park Authority.
Medical Centers are close by at Newington Village, Auburn and Concord West. The nearest Public Hospital is Concord Hospital on Hospital Road, Concord. Westmead Children’s Hospital is only a short journey away via the M4.
In the unlikely case of an Ambulance being required, the venue Security Control works with the Olympic Precinct in a strict protocol for arranging, meeting and escorting the ambulance to the required location.
Flemington Local Area Command is the local Police Station, in Queen St Auburn. Switch number: 9646 8699.