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Interactive Displays

Information for stall holders

The Trauma Service Westmead Hospital

T 8890 9637
E enquiries@bstreetsmart.org

P.O. Box 533
Westmead NSW
Australia 2145


Please click on the link for the post event survey.


For the last nineteen years, Westmead Hospital has held bstreetsmart (previously The Youth and Road Trauma Forum). This injury prevention program is open to students in years 10 to 12 in all government and non-government high schools in NSW and the ACT. The Forum is held at the Qudos Bank Arena (previously Allphones Arena), Olympic Boulevard, Sydney Olympic Park. More than 247,000 students from 435 schools have attended over the 19 years. Evaluations of both students and teachers have received the event very positively with many schools attending consecutive years. There was also significant interest and support from the media.

The forum is held because our youth are being severely injured and killed due to potentially preventable road crashes. 351 people lost their lives on NSW roads in 2023. In 2022 there were 2,878 injured young drivers and riders aged 17 to 25 years in road traffic crashes (TfNSW statistics), there were 71 fatalities in young adults aged 17 to 25 (Feb 23-Feb 24 as per TfNSW statistics) and a further 1,830 were seriously injured from crashes in a year to September 2023 (TfNSW statistics).  These young people hold only 14% of licenses, but they are involved in 21% of fatal crashes. Westmead Hospital Trauma Nurses are committed to decreasing these numbers.

The forum provides students who are most at risk, a realistic look at the trauma caused by road crashes and provides them information and strategies in an attempt to reduce serious injuries and deaths. The forum’s contents and structure is aimed to treat young people as adults allowing them freedom to choose from a range of interactive exhibits.

2023 saw over 23,787 students from 211 schools attend over the three days.

Please confirm your commitment as soon as possible.

If you are a new Interactive Display Holder – welcome, or as a past participant, we hope that you will be able to assist us in making this and future forums as interesting and informative for the students.

Parking will again be subsidised and will be free to all interactive display holders. Please take your ticket to the external cloakroom where you get your wristband and we will give you a subsidised ticket in exchange.

For Nursing staff who are volunteering or manning an interactive display at bstreetsmart – this event equates to 4 CPD hours per day as per The Australian College of Nursing.

Interactive Display Stall Holder Form

Please take the time to fill out the form for Interactive Display Stall Holders and return it to Chapin Ayres along with a copy of your Insurance Certificate either via email to enquiries@bstreetsmart.org

Interactive Display Form

ON Line Safety Briefing

Please take the time to complete the online safety briefing from Qudos Bank Arena. These safety rules have been issued to ensure your protection and alert you against the taking of unnecessary risks. It is your responsibility to ensure the SAFETY RULES are read and understood.

A copy of completion must be available from all staff volunteering or working at bstreetsmart. You may be asked to show this at the event. A good idea is to take a photo of it on your phone so you have it at all times.

Interactive Displays Floor Plan

The 2024 interactive display floor plan will be available at later date but may be subject to change.

Venue Maps

Find out more about the different venue sections here.

Grand Foyer Terms and Conditions

Please read the Qudos Bank Arena Conditions of Entry. By attending the event, we assume that you have read and understood these conditions and will comply with them.

Bump in for all Interactive Displays will be through the loading dock except for vehicles which will be through the Grand Foyer. Times for vehicles to bump in will be conveyed closer to the event.

The use of gaffa tape is strictly prohibited. If you require tape to secure equipment to the floor, please see the event coordinators who will provide you with the approved terrazo tape.

All vehicles within the venue must have a full tank of petrol, drip tray under the engine and an identified set of keys left with the security control office near the loading dock.