The Trauma Service Westmead Hospital
T 8890 9637
E enquiries@bstreetsmart.org
P.O. Box 533
Westmead NSW
Australia 2145
Can bags be brought into Qudos Bank Arena?
- NO SCHOOL BACKPACKS OR METAL DRINK BOTTLES- Due to increased security at Qudos Bank Arena, students cannot bring their school bags or metal drink bottles into the event. This includes no metal water bottles, canned drinks, tins of tuna etc. These will be confiscated if found. They can leave their bags at school or on the bus and bring lunch in a disposable clear plastic bag.
- Teachers can bring a very small bag, A5 (15 x 20cm) and under only. Security will not allow large bags in unless for medical purposes. This will ensure that schools are seated more quickly.
Is there anything I need to do to prepare my students before attending bstreetsmart?
- As the bstreetsmart crash scenario can be quite confronting to students, it would be advisable to ask students beforehand if they have recently had a friend/relative be seriously injured or die in a car crash and take appropriate steps to check if it would be suitable for them to attend.
- Counsellors are available at the event for any student/teacher who become distressed.
If my school has to cancel, who do I contact?
- Chapin Ayres enquiries@bstreetsmart.org as soon as you can to cancel your school. As this event is heavily booked, there is a waiting list of schools wishing to attend so your prompt attention to this will ensure that other schools do not miss out.
How do we register to attend the event?
- You can register through the website by clicking on the Register buttons.
- The registration guide is also available to assist you in the registration process, School Registration Guide
- You can login to your account at any time to update numbers, check your booking date and to print or pay your invoice.
- A confirmation email will be sent to you to inform you of your schools booking. If you do not receive this email, please contact Chapin Ayres enquiries@bstreetsmart.org
Is there a cost to schools to attend the forum?
- bstreetsmart is partially funded by the NSW Government to make this event accessible to all schools. The cost to the schools will be $14.00 (GST not included) per student for 2024. Teachers accompanying their students are free.
Does the forum provide transport for schools?
- Transport to and from bstreetsmart is the responsibility of the schools.
- There is a train station at Olympic Park with a short walk (less than 5 minutes) to the venue.
- Coach parking and drop off is located in Coach Pod C, entry is a left turn off Edwin Flack Ave (acess Edwin Flack Ave from from Birnie Ave direction), there is no right turn into Pod C, see map below. All coaches/buses are to unload students in Coach Pod C. Please allow enough time to disembark your students prior to the start of the event by 9.45am. Students will then be directed from the Coach Pod C area into Qudos Bank Arena via a simple safe under cover passageway. There are 75 coach spaces available in Coach Pod C to ensure that coaches/buses will be able to remain parked there for the entire duration of the event. Please note that coaches will not be able to drop students on Olympic Boulevard as it will be closed for the duration of the event. Please indicate that your school is coming via coach when you login to your school’s bstreetsmart account. Please provide the above directions to your driver or coach hire company.
Is food available for purchase at the arena?
- Food will be available for purchase at the venue.
Can my students bring their own food?
- Yes, students may bring their own food to the forum, no metal, this includes no metal water bottles, canned drinks, tins of tuna etc. Students cannot bring their school bags or metal drink bottles into the event.
Do you have a risk assessment form?
- The venue risk assessment is available to download under the ‘School Information’ section.
What happens at bstreetsmart?
- The forum is a one-day program held at Qudos Bank Arena that is repeated over 3 days.
- See the bstreetsmart program for more detail.
Do you have wheelchair access?
- Wheelchair access is available at Qudos Bank Arena.
- Please contact Chapin Ayres enquiries@bstreetsmart.org if you have any students in a wheelchair attending the forum so your school can be seated appropriately.
Do you have capabilities for hearing impaired students?
- Qudos Bank Arena has an FM transmitter. This can be used with a portable FM radio and headphones. It operates on the frequency 89.5 and can be used by students with a hearing defecit.
Can you bring the event to our region?
- Unfortunately, due to the cost and time needed to arrange such a large event, it is not possible to reproduce the event at this stage.
- bstreetsmart will have an online program available later in the year for viewing at your schools leisure, and is available to all schools in Australia. Learn more about this here
Chapin Ayres
Event Coordinator
Ph 88907458 | E enquiries@bstreetsmart.org
What happens if we cannot sign the media consent form?
- We still require you to fill in the media consent form crossing out the relevant parts and email it to the organisers.
- If a school is unable to give media consent, their names will not be given to the media for interview/photos.
Is there seating for teachers during the Interactive Display Period?
- There will be seating made available for teachers at the venue. This will be located in the Olympia Room on the Main Concourse level, outside door 8.
- Please note, teachers are responsible for their student’s behaviour while attending the forum. A school may be asked to leave if there is unacceptable behaviour. Sadly, previous experience has found some destruction of property has occurred particularly in the toilets which has cost the event large amounts of money to replace.
Can teachers leave Qudos Bank Arena during the event?
- The Qudos Bank Arena is locked down during the Forum, so students are not allowed to leave (except with teacher’s permission or with an accompanying teacher). This does not mean that students are allowed to go outside to smoke. Teachers will be allowed outside but the only available door to exit through is in the Grand Foyer (on the right).
What do I do if one of my students becomes distressed?
- The crash scenario at the beginning of the program can be confronting to some students. We request that you discuss this with your students before they attend and inform your students that counsellors are available to assist every day. Students/Teachers should approach a volunteer who will take them to the counsellors room or they can go themselves to the First Aid Room near Door 14 on the Main Concourse.
What happens at the event?
- The day will include an exciting combination of demonstrations, crash dynamics and rescue and active exhibits.
- Please see the teachers FAQ and program for further details
Can bags be brought into Qudos Bank Arena?
- Due to increased security at Qudos Bank Arena, students cannot bring their school bags or metal water bottles into the event. They can leave their bags at school or on the bus and bring lunch in a disposable clear plastic bag, this includes no metal water bottles, canned drinks, tins of tuna etc.
How can I get my school involved?
- If your school is not registered to attend bstreetsmart, please tell your Year advisor or PDHPE teacher about the event and tell them to check out the website.
The event really affected me, do you have counseling?
- Counsellors are available at the event to assist you if you are feeling distressed.
- Students should approach a volunteer who will take them to the counsellors room or they can go themselves to the First Aid Room near Door 14 on the Main Concourse.
My child’s school is not attending the event, can he/she still attend?
- A student can attend bstreetsmart even if their school is not coming, but they must be accompanied by an adult for the whole event.
- We encourage parents to let their schools know that their child will be attending the event.
- The student must be in Year 10 or above.
- Please contact Chapin Ayres enquiries@bstreetsmart.org to book your child in.
Details required:
Name of parent/adult attending
Email address
Mobile Number
Students name and year at school
How many students coming (if you are bringing more than 1)
How can my state/territory organize an event like this and who do we contact?
- Please contact the event organisers for further information.
The Venue
Are there any maps of the venue available?
- Schools will be provided with information once they have registered for the event. Please see this page for more information on the venue.
How do I become a Volunteer and who can be a volunteer?
- You must be over 18 years of age.
What information do I need to provide to become a volunteer?
- You will need to let us know what / if any organisation you are affiliated with. You also need to tell us what days you are available to volunteer.
- We need your name, contact number and email address (if you have one) in order for us to send you out information. If you do not have an email address, please supply us with a postal address.
How do I get there?
- All this information is available on the website under the ‘Event Info‘ section.
What happens on the day of the event?
- See the daily bstreetsmart program.
Where do I park?
- Parking is in the P1 carpark. The cost is fully subsidised by bstreetsmart.
- Parking tickets must be handed in to the staff at the external cloakroom first thing in the morning when you get your vest and check-in, and you will be able to pick up a subsidised ticket in return.
- Please make sure you do this early in the morning as the Qudos Bank Arena Staff will only be giving us the tickets once a day.
Interactive Display Holders
How do I become an Interactive Display Holder?
- Please contact the event organisers (emails and contact numbers are found in the contact us section) to discuss your organisation becoming involved in bstreetsmart.
I am a sponsor and I need information on my interactive display on the event?
- The information you will require is in the interactive display section under the event info tab.
- If you require further information, please contact the event organisers.
How do I get there, maps of the venue, what happens on the day of the event?
- Maps of the venue are available here
- A copy of the program will be available in the ‘Event Info’ section.
- You will receive a map from the organisers of where your display will be situated during bstreetsmart and it will be available on the website under interactive display floor plan.
Where do I go to unload and bump in my display?
- Bump in for Interactive displays with cars as part of their display, must be completed during the following times:
- Cars bump in for main concourse Monday 1400–1500 through the main doors via Olympic Boulevard OR Tuesday 0630–0800 Cars for the main concourse.
- For all general bump in, entrance is via the loading dock on Edwin Flack Avenue Monday 1200–1600, Tuesday 0630 – 0800
- Your allocated areas will be marked on the map emailed to you prior to the event.
- Bump out on the Thursday after 2 pm, can only begin once all the students have exited the building, particularly for any cars that need to be driven around the concourse. Bump out must be completed on Thursday.
Where do I park on the days?
- Parking is in the P1 carpark. The cost is fully subsidised by bstreetsmart.
- Parking tickets must be handed in to the staff at the external cloakroom first thing in the morning when you get your name tag, and you will be able to pick up a subsidized ticket in return.
- Please make sure you do this early in the morning as the Qudos Bank Arena Staff will only be giving us the tickets once a day.