Conversation Starters

bstreetsmart is an initiative developed by the Trauma Service Westmead Hospital, with the goal of reducing the number of road-related injuries and trauma in young people. By providing impactful education and real-life insights, bstreetsmart empowers students to make safer choices on the road.

But road safety isn’t just an individual responsibility, it’s a shared commitment. Peers, teachers, familes and the broader community all play a role in shaping the way young people asses risks and make decisions on the road. Every conversation, every moment of guidance and every example set by an adult or peer can be the difference between a safe journey and a devastating outcome. Together, we can help young people navigate their world with confidence, awareness and the knowledge that their choices matter.

Having open and honest conversations with teens about road safety can make a huge difference in how they approach risky situations. Here are some ways to get the conversation started and encourage responsible decision‑making.

  • The Power of Choices


    Have you ever been in a situation where you or a friend had to make a split-second decision about road safety?


    Discuss how every choice – whether as a driver, passenger, or pedestrian – can have serious consequences. Reinforce that small decisions, like speaking up when feeling unsafe, can save lives.

  • Peer Pressure & Speaking Up


    What would you do if a friend was driving recklessly or had been drinking?

    Talk About

    Talk about strategies to handle peer pressure, such as offering an alternative (“Let’s get a ride instead”) or using an excuse to remove themselves from a risky situation.

  • Distractions on the Road


    How often do you see people using their phones while driving?

    Talk About

    Highlight the dangers of distracted driving and discuss ways to stay focused behind the wheel. Encourage them to set their phone to ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode or keep it out of reach while driving.

  • The Impact of Speeding & Risky Behaviour


    Do you think speeding really makes a difference in getting somewhere faster?


    Explain how even small increases in speed significantly raise the risk of a crash. Share real-life stories or statistics to reinforce why following speed limits is critical.